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Organic Manures

These are derived from organic sources like the plant, animal, and human residues. Among these are bulky organic manures such as farmyard manure(FYM), compost, concentrated manures like Oil-Cakes, and various products of animal origin like dried blood, fish manure..etc. are added in the soil, to improve the physical condition of the soil, replenish and maintain it's human status via soil organic matter, create optimum conditions for the activities of soil microorganisms and contribute a small part of the plant nutrients removed by the crops or otherwise lost through leaching and soil erosion. The plant-food elements contained in manure are released in an available form upon decomposition by soil microorganisms. The main role of this manure is to add organic matter and humus content.

Biofertilizers or bio inoculants: These are the preparations containing microorganisms beneficial to agricultural production in terms of nutrient supply, especially N and P.

Fertilizer and their use: Soils vary in their capacity to supply different nutrients to different crops. Two Soil having the same content of available nutrients may not supply the same amounts of these nutrients even to the same crop. Similarly, the same amount of fertilizer added to two soils may not supply their nutrients in the same amount to the same crop. Under a given situation of soil, the system of farming, soil management, fertilizer and manure practices..etc influence the productivity of soils and crop yield from them.

Role of organic matter and humus in the soil:

1. Coarse organic matter on the surface refuses the impact of the falling raindrops and thus reduces surface run-off and erosion.
2. Easily decomposable organic residues lead to the synthesis of complex organic substances that bind soil particles into structural units called aggregates, which help maintain a favorable condition of aeration and permeability.
3. Increases the water holding capacity.
4. It produces organic acids that help in dissolving unavailable forms of potassium, phosphorus, micronutrients..etc in soils.
5. Organic mulches reduce evaporation losses and maintain optimum soil temperature.


  1. Its been 1 year since I became as a organic farming aspirant (always say no to chemical manures) from a IT professional. In fact the food habit i have been went through drastically changed my mind and and made me to took this decision to cultivate good chemical free products to this world. Moreover thank you for your Inspirational and the Informational blog.

    Thank you

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