Bonsai Styles: The Bonsai plants to be trained to different shapes like 1. Formal upright style. 2. Informal upright. 3. Cascade style. 4. Group or Forest style. 5. Semi cascade. 6. Slanting. 7. Windswept. 8. Driftwood. 9. Broom. 10. Weeping. 11. Root on the rock. 12. Raft. The art of bonsai requires the right combination of mind, eye, and hand. Periodically pinching the tip and removal of excess shoots to maintain the general type of designs. Formal Upright: One of the most natural styles where the trunk is perfectly straight. The branches should alternate left to right to suggest age. The bottom third branches are removed and the remainder is drawn downward. Plants suitable for formal upright: All pines, Cedars, Redwood, Spruce, Cypress. Informal upright: The style is characterized by lightly curving trunk displaying the harsh elements of nature. This can be achieved by using wire or cords. It is appropriate for conifers as with deciduous trees. ...
An informative blog on home gardening, landscaping, and about the bonsai plants, and growing vegetables, fruit trees in organic farming.