In the US chrysanthemum is the No.1 dollar earning flower. Small-flowered types are used in garland making.
Soil: It has a shallow, fibrous root system that is sensitive to waterlogging and prone to attack by root rot and wilt if there is no aeration. Sandy loam soil is much desirable since they retain sufficient moisture and provides good aeration.
Climate: In general its a short day plant but it requires high light intensity and if reduced light is there the plants become taller with thin stems and large leaves. Insufficient light results in pale leaves and delayed flowering. For balanced root and shoot growth the optimum air and soil temperature are 16°c and 18-21°c respectively. At day and night temperatures of 22°c and 16°, c respectively chrysanthemum plants produced the best overall growth.
Propagation: Chrysanthemum plants are propagated by both vegetative and sexual methods. Vegetative methods include both cuttings and suckers. But cuttings are the most common and popular method.
Planting: Plant density not only influences growth but also has an important role in the yield and quality of flowers. Best plant density 32/m2 under the greenhouse. In general spacing of 12.5*12.5 cm in summer and 15*15cm in winter are followed. Suckers are planted sides of ridges at a spacing of 30 cm. Growth and development depend on proper feeding. It's a heavy feeder and needs a large need of N & K. During the early stage, more N and as buds start appearing the appropriate proportion of K has to be increased. It needs P through out the growing period and it's applied as basal dressing during planting.
Growth regulators: GA- 50ppm as a foliar spray during 30,45 and 60 days after planting to increase flower production.
Watering: Water during vegetative growth when new leaves are being formed. After flower bud formation no leaves are formed and less water is required.
Pinching: Removal of the terminal growth portion of stem reduces plant height and promotes auxiliary branches.
Mulching: To prevent fluctuation in soil moisture. Peat or manure are good in greenhouses where they applied at the depth of 2.5cm.
Cultivation plays very important role in landscaping and gardening thanks to share such useful information.landscape solutions
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