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Potting mixtures for growing plants in garden

Any potting media for growing plants will generally consist of 2-3 types of components. The first is organic plant-derived materials like peat moss, leaf mold, bark these are absorbing the water very well, and also nutrient holding capacity will be great. The second component is called the coarse aggregates like sand, perlite, vermiculite, charcoal these are improving the drainage of the medium because of the shape of each particle creates large pore spaces it makes easier the flow of air. A third component is soil it is used to hold and supply the nutrients, such as loamy soil, clay soil, sandy soil are most commonly used in many potting media.

Organic plant-derived materials: 

Peat moss is the main ingredient for many potting mixtures for houseplants. Sometimes it is used alone for air layering and rooting, cuttings. Having very good water holding capacity proving an ideal combination of moisture and air.
Leaf mold is the second possible component after peat moss in many houseplant media. It's a natural product in the de-composting of leaves.
Compost is the key ingredient in organic farming. It contains rich amounts of nutrients, it's a combination of decayed leaves, twigs, grass. Must be Sterilized before use. When compost added to the soil, it improves the physical conditions of soil and increases the availability of nutrients to the soil and increases the biological activities of soil beneficial microorganisms. 

Coarse aggregates:

Pertile is commonly used in commercial media because of its lightweight. Like sand, it does not hold nutrients or water and does not react in the potting media. Before using perlite it must be washed several times because it contains some levels of fluoride that are toxic to some houseplants. Perlite containing potting media should be avoided for members of the Liliaceae family it is susceptible to fluoride injury. Pertile is white in color.

Vermiculite material is shiny,silvery-brown in color, lightweight and with a spongy feel. A popular material for potting media because naturally, it contains appropriate amounts of potassium and magnesium, two nutrients essential for plant growth.


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