Succulents are very popular in the gardeners, amateurs, and hobbyists who are used to adorn sunny situations of the garden, houses, window sides, and rock garden. They have special structures to store water in thick fleshy leaves or stems. They are capable of withstanding long hot spells of drought and are suitable for window box gardening, bowl gardening, trough gardening, and hanging baskets.
Aeonium arboretum
Bryophyllum is an erect growing succulent herb with thick fleshy simple leaves. It is a good pot plant and easily propagated by leaves or leaf cuttings. It contains plenty of water in it.
Agaves are common ornamental succulent plants with typical xerophytic looks. Evergreen massive growing plants with short stem and leaves in a close rosette. Leaves are stiff, leathery, and fibrous. The flower lasts from several days to months. From seeds or bulbils which are used for propagation. Agaves are planted in rockeries as specimens in lawns, tubs, large pots, and also for fencing.
Agave |
Aloe plants are evergreen with soft, succulents thick leaves often prickly or spiny resembling the agaves. Hardy succulent plants mostly stemless or short stems. Some species have variegated foliage and are suited for pot culture. It bears tubular flowers in long stalks.
Aloe |
Echeveria is small succulent herbaceous perennials with dense rosettes of small leaves. It forms clumps are small bushes with short stems. Leaves are ornamental, very fleshy, and spirally arranged. It also called Cotyledon or Oyster plant. It is propagated by suckers and leaves.
It is very good as edging or carpet bedding plants and demand in the garden for their hardiness and modesty and also suitable for growing indoors.
Echeveria sp |
Euphorbia forms vary from fleshy shrubs to plants having slender branches. It has columnar stems or spherical stems. Sturdy thorns from the leaf base. Exude a milky latex when injured.
Euphorbia sp |
Kalanchoe is a Dwarf succulent plant that has thick fleshy leaves from which they are propagated. Ornamental Flowers are last long in bouquets.
Kalanchoe sp |
Establishing a succulent garden in the pot:
Succulents are thrived best in sunny conditions and are light-loving. They need little care. They have special structures to store water in thick fleshy leaves or stems.
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Step-2 |
The container of succulents is filled with about 10cm of gravel and above a thin layer of sand to provide drainage. The best soil mixture consists of sandy loam, little cow dung manure, and some broken bricks. Watering by sprinkling should be done once or twice a week. Repotting is necessary with fresh soil once in two or three years, usually in the same container since the plants grow very slowly.
Step-3 |
Step-4 |
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