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Interesting uses of plants

Benefit each other:       The Native Americans planted corn, beans, and squash together so that they could benefit each other. The corn provides the structure for the beans to climb. The beans provide the nitrogen to the soil that the other plant utilizes and the squash spreads along the ground preventing weeds. Eco-friendly plant:        Plant a lot of hemp in the land of Fukushima. Hemp's vibration has the potentiality to purify the contaminated environment made by radiation.- Dr.Masaru Emoto. To prevent ants:              Planting mint around your house can prevent ants from coming into your house. Mint destroys an ant's sense of smell making them less likely to risk the possibility of entering. Grow them near doors/windows and place mint leaves in pantries. Keep away mosquitoes in your garden:       Lemongrass, Lavender, Lemon balm, Basil, Lemon Thyme, Catnip, Rosemary, Garlic, Marigolds . Put any of these plants in your garden. Mosquitoes absolutely hate them

Coco peat as a growing medium for germination of seeds

Coco peat or coir pith is an agriculture waste byproduct from a coir industry, used as a soil additive. It contains macro and micronutrients, natural enzymes, and helps to improve soil aeration, improve soil structure. Coco peat is mainly used as a lightweight growing medium for the germination of seeds. Processed coco peat used as a compost for growing plants. It absorbs water up to eight times its weight.           About 180 grams of coir pith is obtained from the husk of one coconut. Coir pith contains C: N in the ratio of 112:1 and it also contains lignin (75%) which does not permit natural composting as in other agricultural wastes. Mushroom pleurotus has the capacity to degrade the lignin present in the coir pith by producing enzymes like cellulases and lactases. The C: N ratio is reduced to 24:1 from 112:1 at the end of composting. Coco peat for germination of seeds Composting method: Follow this simple composting method for large-scale production of cocopeat composti

Chrysanthemum cultivation

In the US chrysanthemum is the No.1 dollar earning flower. Small-flowered types are used in garland making. Soil: It has a shallow, fibrous root system that is sensitive to waterlogging and prone to attack by root rot and wilt if there is no aeration. Sandy loam soil is much desirable since they retain sufficient moisture and provides good aeration. Climate: In general its a short day plant but it requires high light intensity and if reduced light is there the plants become taller with thin stems and large leaves. Insufficient light results in pale leaves and delayed flowering. For balanced root and shoot growth the optimum air and soil temperature are 16 ° c and 18-21 ° c respectively. At day and night temperatures of 22 °c  and 16 °, c respectively chrysanthemum plants produced the best overall growth. Propagation: Chrysanthemum plants are propagated by both vegetative and sexual methods. Vegetative methods include both cuttings and suckers. But cuttings are the most com